Today’s software development is very different from what it used to be. Today every team has access to cloud-based solutions, open source algorithms, functions and data.
They can build solutions that are available anywhere, using any type of devices. The whole dynamics of development has changed and its created and delivered in a completely new way. Today software engineering is largely about assembling software components, most of which are open source and come from outside the organization that is building the final application.
“More than 80 percent of a typical enterprise application is now assembled from publicly available open-source components and frameworks. This is a dramatic departure from the past, when software was coded, line-by-line, by engineers working inside an organization.” However when it comes to innovation, we must see what everybody has seen and think about what nobody has thought.
At Zool, we focus on rapid assembly taking care that there is a very complex ecosystem of open source components which have their dependencies yet independent lifecycles, individuality from bug fixes and feature enhancements and come with its own potential risks. A single flawed component can cause significant problems for your product. We study each component we manage with great care, taking into account performance issues, data leaks, security breaches or legal actions related to intellectual property before adopting them on a project. We call it smart engineering.
A small team can deliver big surprises.



Premjit Singh

Abdul Rasheed

Rafi Ali Khan


Head -HR

Srinivasan P L
Head -Designs

Vikas Konsam
Head - Product Development

Pradosh Kumar
Web Technologies

Shameer S
Software Engineer

Pavan kumar R
Software Engineer

Abhishek Shandilya
Software Engineer

Rakesh Sukhram Uikey
Software Engineer

Pooja P
Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Prabakaran P
UI Developer

Vijaykumar Arikatti
Software Engineer

Priya Singh
Software Engineer

UI Developer

Mohamed Muhusin S
Software Engineer

Shivam Yadav
Software Engineer

Rishabh Maurya
Software Engineer

Nisarga S M
Software Engineer